Who owns the site?
Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University. They own about 16 percent of googles shares to this day. In August 19th 2004 the rest of the shares was offered to the public.
What other internet sites do they own?
Google own many other internet websites some being, Youtube, various blogging websites and picasa.
What is their revenue?
Google’s 2013 revenue is, $14 billion.
What is its overall worth?
Google’s is worth overall $250 billion.
Five key facts about Google?
1. Google commands total equity more than $58 billion.
2. Founders Larry page and Sergey Brin only own 16% of the company.
3. Google gets more than 1 billion searches a day.
4. Google + was launched in June 2011 and has 250 million registered users.
5. Google Chrome is available in 50 languages.
Summarie two linked Wikipedia articles
Google Maps- is a web map based process which allows the audience to view any part of the world.
Google news- is a free news provider which is operated by Google inc. Google news was launched in September 2002, the service was tagged as a beta test for over three years until January 2006. Google news was developed by Krishna Bharat.
Google Books- Google is a service from Google Inc. it allows the audience to search any books and magazines that Google have scanned.
List the key information provided on the company’s corporate homepage?
Mission Statement
Since the beginning, we've focused on providing the best user experience possible. Whether we’re designing a new Internet browser or a new tweak to the look of the homepage, we take great care to ensure that they will ultimately serve you, rather than our own internal goal or bottom line.
Good to Know
We aim to provide you with the world’s strongest security and privacy tools. Security and privacy matter to us, we know how important they are to you and we work hard to get them right. Our Good to know site helps you and your family stay safe online. Visit to learn more and understand how Google helps protect you, your computer and the Internet from cyber crime.
Stay safe and secure online
Stay safe and secure online
We work continuously to ensure strong security, protect your privacy and make Google even more useful and efficient for you. We give you the tools and controls to decide what you share, with whom and how - and we make it safe and hassle free.
Our legal policies
Some of you don’t like to read legal documents, but this stuff matters. Our Terms of Service cut through the jargon and provide you with clear details about our policies. Our Privacy Policy lays out our policies regarding your information in a simple and straightforward way.