E-media: YouTube

The SourceFed is broadcasted on YouTube and the setting for the source feed is different to other news providers such as channel 4 and BBC. Sourcefed is also news website as well as a YouTube channel created by Philip DeFranco. SourceFed's is usually 20 Minutes or Less; a news show which presents five news related videos daily from Monday to Thursday. The SourceFed team consists of hosts, editors, bloggers, and one producer. The hosts are YouTube bloggers who are used like reporters, but only exclusive on the Internet and not on television or on radio. The target audience are between 15 to 25 as the show informs the audience about the top news around however creates humour and allows the audience to stay amused with the creative images and gestures used by the hosts as it creates interest and wanting the audience want to watch more as normal news is boring for a younger audience.
Broadcast: BBC NEWS
The BBC is a non commercial channel and is setup by the Act of Parliament and therefore it is publicly owned and does not have shareholders. BBC role is to entertain, educate and entertain the audience. BBC news also broadcast on TV, Radio and on their website. They show two different type of news at a certain time for the viewers, the first one is at 6pm a this is the time everyone is coming home work and watching the latest heading in the world and the other one is at 10pm, as people are ready to go to bed and check the latest news, both of them are national news and start after when they finish local news comes up. BBC has such a niche audience, as only some people watch it every day not compared to their completion like channel four and sky news. Moreover, the news reporter have to be dressed and speak formally to represent them as being sophisticated and educated but also to make the company look good as well. Another convention is that they are usually sitting down and speaking directly into the camera. The impact news and digital media has on this is that audience can now watch the news online rather than TV which highlights that e-media is now popular. Lastly, The target audience for the BBC is adults age 25-45 as they are more likely to keep up to date with temporary issues compared to the younger generation
Print: THE SUN

The Sun is a daily tabloid newspaper which is published in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The News Group Newspaper division of the New UK publishes it; the founder of the sun newspaper business is Rupert Murdoch. The Newspaper's online offering was the third
most widely read in the world as of June 2012. The sun Newspaper's main focus is about the world and
politics thus attracting a more intellectual target audience (A/B class) who
would be more interested in the text than the images. The impact of new/digital
media on this newspaper is the fact that nobody actually reads the newspapers
anymore, it's a slower way for news to travel, as mentioned above the Guardian
online is more popular.
The Sun has the
ninth-largest circulation of any newspaper in the world and the largest
circulation of any daily newspaper in the United Kingdom. It had an average
daily circulation of 2,409,811 copies in January 2013. Between January and June
2012 the paper had an average daily readership of approximately
7.3 million, with approximately 34% of those falling into
the demographic and 64% in the demographic. The average age of
a Sun reader is 45 and approximately 45% of readers are women.
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