- 1. Has new and digital media had an impact upon ownership and control of the media institution(s) involved in your case study area? Explain in detail any impact and what exactly has changed.
New and digital media has had an impact on smartphones as we are now able to use our phones for a huge amount of tasks - this is due to convergence. However, there is dominance over this area, with the main competiors being Apple, Samsung and HTC. For example; there was a law suit going on between Apple and Samsung, with Apple claiming that Samsung had coppied various elements of their software.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Inc._v._Samsung_Electronics_Co.,_Ltd. Nonetheless, it seems as though the ios running system is the market leader. This is evident as many apps are available on ios before they are available on the android systems. Blackberry have also tried to regain a place in the smart phone market with their attempts to introduce a new phone and opperating system. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2013/jan/31/blackberry-bb10-z10-roundup This contrasts to a year back - or so - when blackberrys seemed to be the most popular phones. It now seems Apple is hegemonic as it is the leading company for not just the iPhone (smart phones) but also tablets and macs are increasing in popularity.
Furthermore, the market leaders in the mobile phone competition have completely changed from a few years ago when Nokia was the leading phone company, however as the use of smart phones is increasing, Nokia are slightly behind its competitors. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-17769772
- 2. What impact has there been on the way in which the audience now consume the media products/ texts involved in your case study? How does it differ from what went before? Consider (SHEP)
The primary way in which the audience now consume smart phones is through contract plans, this differs from around 10 years ago when contract plans were primarily used by professional adults, whereas everyone else used pay as you go top ups. This shows how people have began to use their phones more as these plans are better value for money in the long term if you're going to be using your phone regularly. Furthermore, internet is usually included in these contract plans which allows consumers to always be connected and have the world wide web in their pockets. Additionally, the use of internet on smartphones allows users to download apps onto their phones which is also another means for making money. Some apps also are designed as some sort of replacement for texing such as Whatsapp which uses an 3G connection as well as iMessage which is designed for iPhone users.
- 3. What impact has there been on how the media institution now has to produce the texts and the way in which the texts/ products are distributed and exhibited? This should involve a detailed textual analysis of at least 3 texts to demonstrate the point.
iPhone (5) is the sixth
generation of the iPhone which is slimmer and lighter with a larget 4 inch
screen. It was released on 12 September 2012 and was available to pre-order on
the 14 September - and recieved over 2 million in 24 hours.
After its launch,
Samsung filed a law suit against Apple claiming that it inflinged some of its
Components and
labour to construct the most basic model cost US$207 (est) - which is
US$19 more than components for the iPhone 4S model.

This iPhone5 advert
mimics the simplicity of the iPhone - although it is very
multifunctional, it is designed quite simplisticly and is quite easy to
use in order to attract a wider audience. The advert uses large
images to make the advert eye catching and attractive as theres no text - we
can connote the institution is allowing the phone to speak for itself or that
is all people need - they dont need to carry anything else - this is reinforced
by the basic, functional apps that are visiable on screen. The images are
central to the iPhone marketing campaign as near enough every year they release
a new one - people always want to see whats so different about it and get
annoyed if it looks more or less the same. By using images from various angles
makes it clear for people to see. The picture at the bottom displays the iPod
function which shows that they still havent forgtten about their origins and
the initial purpose of the iPhone - to not have to carry a phone and an MP3
player around at the same time. Lastly, the text and ambiguous but clear slogan
infers that it is a quality phone and is what people have been waiting for.
Samsung Gallaxy
S III runs of the
Android operating system and is designed developed and marketed by Samsung
Electronics. It has additional software features and is redesigned from the
Gallaxy S II. It has a 4.8 inch screen.
This US advert for
the Samsung Galaxy SIII suggests and aims to portray that it is far more
superior than the iPhone 5 - its rival. The large bold text at the top draws
people in to reading further on in the advert. The text is inferring it is
obvious which phone is better. The images of both the phones allow people to
compare the phones against each other, however, the fact that the iPhone is
black against the dark blue background doesnt allow it to stand out and draws
people attention to the SII due to its complementing colour against the background.
Lastly, the small print attracts readers as they will want to know exactly
what it says and the fact that the lists are side by sides makes the comparison
obvious and what one has more features and better spec. The fact that it is
these phones compared together infer that these are the two market leaders and
main rivals. By comparing them, the audience can easily see what one is better
(for them).
This advert for the
HTC Sensation 4G differs from the previous two as it seems much more personal
to its audience. The large image shows the front of the phone however playing a
music video - from this we can infer that its primary (extra) function is as a
music/media player. The use of the illustrated letters of the word
"you" makes the advert more personal to the people and makes them
feel included - especially from the text which draws attention to the word
"innovation" being followed by "inspired by you". This is
intentional from the institution as they recognise that their rivaling
companies attract consumers by boasting about the spec, whereas HTC aim to draw
and audience in subtly and friendly. The mention of the compatibility of
"Google Goggles" also allows people to identify something familiar
and reliable and will associate it positively with this phone. Lastly, the HTC
slogan in the bottom right hand corner with the short slogan; "quietly
brilliant" connotes that HTC have recognised that their competition -
Apple and Samsung - are great, but suggests they are over-rated and although
HTC aren't as overt as its competitors, there are just as good and come across
as an underdog.
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