Monday, 27 January 2014

NDM Weekly Story

Candy Crush Saga maker King’s parent company reveals 2012 financial results

Candy Crush Saga's biggest period of success falls outside the 2012 financial filing.

Summary of the story: This article talks about the parent company of games firm King, whose Candy Crush Saga which is one of the most lucrative mobile games in the world, has published its financial results for 2012.
The financials don’t reveal much about the mobile growth of King’s business, although it had been available on Facebook since April that year. it published in 2012  The filing with Companies House in the UK doesn’t mention the game, describing the company’s principal activities as “the production and distribution of online skill games”, although later in the document this is reworded as “the production and distribution of online and mobile games”.
key Information/statistic: 

  • €26.6m turnover and €5.3m profit recorded before’s mobile gaming business really took off
  • has published its financial results for 2012.
  • King’s games were being played more than 1bn times a day by 282m monthly unique users
  • Candy Crush Saga is currently generating revenues of $3.5m a day. 

How your child's art could unlock a more secure online worldHow do you build a child-friendly internet from the ground up?

Summery of the Story: In this article it talks about how kids in society today are unlocking and guessing you pins and passwords.  The BBC is exploring a child-friendly password tool and a way to offer tailored services. Kids often change parents pin and forget it in a matter of an hour. Think through all the competencies required to log in to a website. Not only do you have to be able to read and write – in an age of touchscreen computing, not at all something which can be assumed of everyone online

My view on story:

 I think that the BBC should secure their online websites and apps more so that kids so that kids don't read or understand them easily like they do now.

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